Data Sharing Requirements Initiative: Collaborative Approaches to Advance Data Sharing

The report, from the HCP LAN, will help leaders of organizations who work or wish to work in alternative payment models to understand what information they will need from outside their organization and the processes involved in obtaining that information.

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This report is a product of the Health Care Payment Learning & Action Network (LAN), which was created to drive alignment in payment reform approaches across and within the public and private sectors of the U.S. health care system. The report is designed to help leaders of organizations, including providers, payers, and employers, who are working or wish to work in alternative payment models (APMs) to understand what information they will need from outside their organization and the processes involved in obtaining that information. Secondarily, this report will aid organizations, including third party entities, vendors, and policymakers, that support the data sources and data sharing processes to understand how best to enable their efforts. While the report is not a “how to” guide, as the specifics for each organization and region differ, it will be helpful in the strategic planning process to identify the APM functions that require data sharing, to assess current capacity and barriers, and to consider strategies within and across organizations to fill gaps in necessary data sharing functionality.

To advance APM adoption, the LAN convened the Value-Based Data Sharing Requirements Initiative (DSRI) to gather information on recent approaches and experiences building data sharing capacity. The DSRI leadership team is composed of diverse health care stakeholders who shared their experiences, incorporated input from interviews with organizations engaged in data sharing in support of APMs, and reviewed material on critical developments in technology and policy. This report summarizes this information and is meant to be of practical value for those faced with building similar capabilities, specifically in planning and developing future data sharing activities.