A national strategy for Web3 is essential to the U.S. building on its early lead in the technology and to mitigate potential detrimental outcomes.

Call to Action: Developing a National Strategy for Web3
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The internet is on the verge of the next fundamental change. The third generation of the World Wide Web, known as Web3, is bringing an entirely new technology stack built on blockchain. This new epoch of social interconnectivity blurs the lines between telecommunications and finance, compounding an already complex regulatory ecosystem.
While Web3 is creating tremendous new opportunities, it is also at the center of major social, economic, and national security issues. A national strategy for Web3 is essential to the U.S. building on its early lead in the technology and to mitigate potential detrimental outcomes.
In this paper, MITRE's Charles Clancy, Ph.D., describes the generational arc of web technologies and the new, unique features of Web3, as well as policy objectives and specific recommendations for a national strategy.