It is challenging to develop a generalized architectural model shared by many computational research domains analyzing different data sets and producing unique results for varied use-cases. BlueRidge proposes a model that addresses this challenge.

Architectural Model for MITRE Research: BlueRidge
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There is an inherent challenge in creating a shared architecture that facilitates the development and execution of analytics on variegated data for multiple lines of computational research. This is especially true when each line can have a distinct expectation of how the results will be used. This paper discusses a project, BlueRidge, with a proposed architectural model that addresses the specified challenge. BlueRidge intends to be a single unified model of all discrete, necessary components that make up computational threads. Such an architectural model must address (1) how the data will be ingested, (2) how the data and results will be represented, maintained, and warehoused, (3) how the results will be accessed, (4) how issues of analytic orchestration, in particular spanning multiple clouds, will be addressed, and (5) how data lineage is established through provenance. This suggests that many different technology decisions must be made, whether the technologies are internally developed or drawn from existing solutions (open-source, free, or commercial). Requirements will be based on the acquired data, the expected activities, the available assets, and ultimately the desired outcomes across the supported research community.