Current Air Force (AF) Command, Control, Communication, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) systems are costly to integrate because they were not initially designed to work together.
Air Force SOA Enterprise Service Bus Study Using Business Process Management Workflow Orchestration for C4I Systems Integration
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Current Air Force (AF) Command, Control, Communication, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) systems are costly to integrate because they were not initially designed to work together, and many integration efforts still provide point-to-point solutions between tightly coupled systems. The Department of Defense (DoD) is moving toward net-centricity and the AF Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Risk Reduction Study investigated industry best practices for streamlining the integration process using a service oriented architecture (SOA). The Government study team engaged with three industry vendors and their partners, evaluated ESB interoperability characteristics, explored the business process management workflow orchestration technology, and developed a proof-of-concept prototype for information exchange within the AOC.