Enterprise Security Weekly: D3FEND 1.0 Cyber Ontology

Since D3FEND™ was founded to fill a gap created by the MITRE ATT&CK® framework, it has come a long way, as reported by SC Media's Enterprise Security Weekly. With MITRE's Peter Kaloroumakis in an episode, the podcast discusses the details of the upcoming 1.0 release of D3FEND, along with some of the new cybersecurity tools D3FEND has built.

To use Kaloroumakis' own words to describe the gap this project fills: "It is necessary that practitioners know not only what threats a capability claims to address, but specifically how those threats are addressed from an engineering perspective and under what circumstances the solution would work."

Listen to the podcast here or view the latest updates to D3FEND at https://d3fend.mitre.org.