Aerospace America: The view from 50,000 feet: aviation’s biggest challenges

Speaking at an AIAA Aviation Forum, as covered by Aerospace America, MITRE National Security Senior Vice President Keoki Jackson discussed the standout attributes of a future aviation workforce.

"I’m going to take it as a given that we already have people in this room who love our technology, our science, research and development, engineering," Jackson said. "I think the attributes we need beyond that lie in three particular areas. One is adaptability. At MITRE today, we’re shifting toward hiring folks who can adapt to what the needs of a different mission, risk environment or challenge will be — Renaissance people who can bring the combination of great technical depth but also are curious, who have breadth, who are interested in the connections. We’re hiring people who can connect ideas, and that is critically important. All the challenges you heard about today, they’re not just technical connections. They’re policy and environmental considerations. The third attribute is a growth mindset — the idea that we’re not living in a fixed world, but a world of abundance and the opportunity to do almost an infinite variety of things.”

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