Yosry Barsoum Honored with Homeland Security Today’s Mission Award

Yosry Barsoum with Rob Bell and Darryl Grady

Barsoum pictured with Rob Bell (left), Director, DHS Science & Technology Directorate PMO, and Darryl Grady (right), Deputy Director, DHS Science & Technology Directorate PMO

Homeland Security Today awarded its Mission Award to Yosry Barsoum, vice president and director of two MITRE-operated federally funded research and development centers: the Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute (HSSEDI) for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the National Cybersecurity FFRDC for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Each year, Homeland Security Today honors shining stars in the homeland security community who are making their own unique, invaluable contributions to advance the mission of keeping America safer. From the award citation: "From the White House and DHS Secretary’s office to deputy sheriffs safeguarding their local communities, Yosry Barsoum is making a difference in homeland security. MITRE serves a critical role as a connector of industry and government, and Barsoum and his team help to bring technology and users across the federal, state, and local spectrum together."

Read the full citation.