SC Media honored Christina Liaghati, AI strategy execution and operations manager of MITRE’s AI and Autonomy Innovation Center, as one of its “Women to Watch” in cybersecurity. The honor is given to women who are “commanding attention as drivers of the industry’s next wave of growth and innovation,” according to SC Magazine’s website.
“Women to Watch is part of SC Media’s 'Women in IT Security' program, which is in its tenth year of celebrating women who have significantly influenced the cybersecurity conversation, inspiring both women and men,” said Heidi Murphy, director of community development at the CyberRisk Alliance’s Cybersecurity Collaboration Forum (SC Media’s parent organization).
“These women don’t seek validation,” Murphy wrote in SC Magazine. “Each of their personal stories describe a leader who has tackled security challenges, molded the sector and furthered cybersecurity progression. They understand the value they offer to an organization and their ability to drive progress both within and across the infosec community.”
As noted in an SC Magazine profile, “Liaghati leads scientists and engineers to tackle the matter of AI assurance—which is about making sure that AI applications are ethical, equitable, safe, and respect user privacies when they’re introduced into system-of-systems contexts.”
The profile addresses Liaghati’s rise to a leadership position at MITRE, challenges that she has faced along the way in the male-dominated fields of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, and her advice to women interested in getting involved in these fields.