The 2024 IABC Gold Quill Awards awarded MITRE with two Gold Quill awards for its communications campaigns. Both campaigns helped to show audiences how MITRE accelerates solutions to national and global challenges. We bring together government, industry, and academia to achieve what no one entity can on its own. Our campaigns tell the story of how our often-unseen work touches lives every day.
Our MITRE Connects campaign within the Digital Communication category was the top winner with an Award of Excellence. Our MITRE Advancing AI for Public Good campaign was one of two winners in a new category for IABC to address the strategic use of artificial intelligence, and MITRE garnered an Award of Merit.
For more than 40 years, the IABC Gold Quill Awards have recognized communication work from around the world that delivers significant results and is innovative, timely, and strategic. The Gold Quill Blue Ribbon Panel evaluators assessed 378 entries from 17 countries against the IABC Gold Quill Award criteria and IABC’s Seven-point Scale of Excellence.