Harris AI Poll: Regulation

Americans believe AI can assist, enhance, and empower, but they don’t yet trust AI. Tech experts also express concern, and both support government regulation.

How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about artificial intelligence (AI)?
% Agree (somewhat/strongly)
I believe the primary purpose of AI is to assist, enhance, and empower consumers
I am concerned about "deep fakes" and other artificial engineered content
I believe AI should be regulated to ensure adequate consumer protection
I believe industry should invest more in AI assurance measures to protect the public
American Public     
Tech Experts*



Source: MITRE AI Survey
Q1 How much do you agree or disagree with each of the follow statements about artificial intelligence (AI)?

* Tech Expert data is based on a separate survey of 200 individual who work in the technology field, actively follow tech-related issues, read tech-related publications, attend tech-related conferences, and belong to tech-related associations