Harris AI Poll: Malicious Intent

Americans are concerned about AI use for malicious intent and lack of transparency, though less so than in 2021.

How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about artificial intelligence (AI)?
% Agree (somewhat/strongly)
Creating/expanding social bias
Determining the actions of core infrastructure (e.g. water, electric, gas)
Determining actions of autonomous vehicles (e.g., automobiles, buses, planes)
Lack of transparency around AI
Being used for malicious intent



Source: MITRE AI Survey
BASE: 2022: ALL RESPONDENTS (n=2050)
BASE: 2021: ALL RESPONDENTS (n=2037)
Data collected Oct 5-7, 2021
Q2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) has many applications, including the potential to improve customer service and execute dangerous jobs, but there are also potential downsides. How concerned are you about each of the following related to AI?