Harris AI Poll: Building Trust

The American public isn’t ready to embrace regular use of AI, but tech experts are more willing.

How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about artificial intelligence (AI)?
% Agree (somewhat/strongly)
I believe today's AI technologies are safe and secure
I am willing to rely on AI technology to perform everyday tasks
I am comfortable with government agencies using AI to make decisions that directly affect me or my community
I believe AI technology is advanced enough for use in mission critical applications in defense and national security
American Public     
Tech Experts*



Source: MITRE AI Survey
Q1 How much do you agree or disagree with each of the follow statements about artificial intelligence (AI)?

* Tech Expert data is based on a separate survey of 200 individual who work in the technology field, actively follow tech-related issues, read tech-related publications, attend tech-related conferences, and belong to tech-related associations

Source: MITRE AI Survey
Q3 How comfortable are you with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for each of the following?