There is an increasing volume of gene-mutation-disease information in the biomedical literature. This research shows crowd labor platforms can be used to recruit quality annotators by screening candidates with qualifying exams and aggregating responses.

Hybrid Curation of Gene-mutation Relations Combining Automated Extraction and Crowdsourcing
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This paper describes capture of biological information using a hybrid approach that combines natural language processing to extract biological entities and crowdsourcing with annotators recruited via Amazon Mechanical Turk to judge correctness of candidate biological relations. These techniques are applied to extract gene-mutation relations from biomedical abstracts with the goal of supporting production scale capture of gene-mutation-disease findings as an open source resource for personalized medicine.
This article received MITRE's Ronald Fante Best Paper Award for the most significant peer-reviewed publication by MITRE staff in 2014. The award commemorates the late Dr. Ronald Fante, a MITRE Fellow and a highly respected scientist and prolific author.
The complete paper can be accessed on the Oxford Journals Database site. The attached PDF includes all appendices for the study.